Hello and thanks for stopping by my website. You see, over the past couple of years I've started to find social media unbearable and I decided to make this website since I could do anything I wanted in it. My goal for this is to create a little digital scrapbook of sorts, a collection of thoughts about life and myself and the things I love. Hopefully I'll be able to look back on this when I'm older. So basically, here you will find info about me, the stuff I like, the stuff I make, etc.
Feel free to look around!
This site contains flashing gifs, but doesn't contain autoplay music. This site was hand coded on firefox, most of it on a 1366x768 resolution monitor, so it may look weird if your screen resolution is different. This will look bad on mobile so don't even try.
THE SPOTLIGHT:![]() The Ocean Blue's 1989 self titled album. RIP songs of the week lol, sorry i just kept forgetting to update them |
new updates:
6-8-24: SIMS 2 SHRINE! 1-27-24: Another new gallery page 12-3-23: NEW GALLERY PAGE! |

under construction: 2019-2025 and FOREVER!